What to Expect During Kyphoplasty

What to Expect During Kyphoplasty

A staggering 1.5 million individuals suffer spinal fractures on average each year, and about 750,000 of them are experienced by osteoporosis patients. These are not minor nuisance injuries, but traumatic, in that they’re most often the result of serious, high-impact injury. 

If a fracture isn’t severe, it may heal on its own over time with the help of conservative treatments like pain medication, rest, and bracing. Since the nature of these injuries is usually traumatic, however, damage — and the pain that accompanies it — can be severe.

Board-certified neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Cohen treats patients with fractures in their cervical spine (neck area), the thoracic spine (middle of the back), and the lumbar spine (lower back), and employs an advanced surgical procedure called kyphoplasty in certain instances. His approach is measured, thorough, and compassionate. Dr. Cohen commits to counseling you before kyphoplasty, performing it safely, and helping you recover. 

Some background on spinal compression fractures

As we mentioned, spinal compression fractures typically happen because of a traumatic injury, such as an auto accident, gunshot wound, sports injury, or a fall from a considerable height. A spinal tumor also makes you susceptible. And if you have osteoporosis, you’re at significantly more risk for sustaining a fracture, since your spine is at a disadvantage already.

It’s critical to seek medical treatment as soon as possible after your injury, as nerve damage is a risk — with symptoms like cramps and muscle twitches and weakness — and can be permanent. And since your spine and brain are connected, traumatic brain injury can also occur after this type of accident. 

Kyphoplasty as a solution for spinal compression fracture

Surgical solutions for spinal compression fracture do three key things:

Though Dr. Cohen performs several types of spinal compression fracture repair surgery, kyphoplasty is especially appropriate for patients whose collapsed bone needs height restored to it. 

If Dr. Cohen advises you to have kyphoplasty, the procedure involves:

The fact that kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure offers substantial advantages to the patient because, unlike traditional surgery where Dr. Cohen cuts through muscle, he just makes a small incision, through which he can gently move your muscles to access your targeted treatment area.

Minimally invasive surgery causes less pain, bleeding, scarring, and requires that you spend less time in the hospital. Fortunately, you’re also at reduced risk of infection and you recover faster. 

Kyphoplasty may well be the appropriate choice for you if you endure a spinal compression fracture. 

Call our office to schedule a consultation, or contact us through our website. And remember, your appointment can be virtual or in-person. 

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